We all need a compassionate witness to help us process and make meaning of our lives. With over 25 years of experience, it is a privilege for me to support clients in becoming more self-aware while exploring the dynamics, situations and patterns that cause them suffering. My areas of expertise include depression, anxiety, relationship issues, and trauma.
I use cognitive-behavioral, psychodynamic and mindfulness practices to assist clients in interrupting old patterns in order to implement new thoughts and behaviors that better serve them. When exploring deeper patterning and traumas, I use EMDR and somatic processing that develop new neural pathways. (See Peter Levine and Bessel van der Kolk for more about trauma.)
I continue to study and apply the latest findings in neuroscience. Specifically, how neuroscience and psychotherapy techniques, in addition to mindfulness and meditation can rewire the neural passageways in our brains, thereby healing trauma, improving mood, and decreasing stress and anxiety. (See Daniel Siegel or Daniel Goleman for more about neuroscience).
Attachment theories are central to my work with couples as a way to access core issues. Research-based strategies, practices and goals with action plans assist clients in maintaining progress between sessions. I help clients to integrate the insights and tools gained in therapy into their daily lives empowering them to navigate ongoing challenges.
I’ve taught a variety of psychology courses, including Theories of Counseling, Personality Theories, Interpersonal Communication, Humanistic Psychology, Human Sexuality, Emotional Intelligence in Leadership, and Theories of Motivation and Success. Early in my career I worked in a number of settings beyond private practice, including nonprofit therapy clinics, child and sexual abuse treatment centers and day treatment programs. I’ve worked as a counselor for Stanford University, and have taught at Golden Gate University, among other colleges.
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